ART TECH Graphics is currently working on getting recertified for a SECOR (Small Employer Certificate Of Recognition) certificate. SECOR is about developing and maintaining effective health & safety management system for your business. I just completed the SCOT (Safety Construction Orientation Training) program which includes WHMIS 2015.
This year is a multi-year transition plan for 2018 to implement WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) 2015. Phase 1 is from now until May 31, 2018, suppliers (manufacturers and importers) can use WHMIS 1988 or WHMIS 2015 to classify and communicate the hazards of their products (recall that suppliers must use one system or the other). Phase 2 is from June 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018, distributors can continue to sell and those importing for their own use can continue to use, hazardous products with labels and (M)SDSs that are compliant with WHMIS 1988 or WHMIS 2015. Phase 3 is from Sept. 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018, suppliers (manufacturers and importers), distributors are required to abide by only WHMIS 2015. The employer can still use WHMIS 1988 or WHMIS 2015 to classify and communicate the hazards of their products.
WHMIS full transition is December 1, 2018, will you be ready? For more information contact ART TECH Graphics we can help you be compliant for WHMIS 2015.